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How to Design a Hybrid Classroom


Video Learning 2021 panel at 流媒体 East Connect, 斯科特·纳尔逊, 俄亥俄州立大学远程教育和电子学习办公室教学媒体主任, forced me to rethink my views on the hybrid classroom. 我们友好的差异 对于混合式教室的设计应该是“远程学生优先”还是“面对面学生优先”,大家有不同的看法." I was on team "in-person," believing that generally, instruction should either be all remote or all in-person and that if forced to do both, 我们应该最低限度地为远程学生提供合理的代表性视频馈送,直到他们能够亲自加入课堂. 尼尔森建议老师们“将他们的面对面课堂作为在线学生的工作室空间." There's a compelling case for this "live studio 观众“远程优先”的方法对大型演讲厅尤其有意义, 在哪里,面对面的人群将受益于精心策划的动态投影,在相关插图和IMAG相机镜头之间交替进行.

对混合工作安排和小型视频会议设置的计划进一步证实了我最初的想法是错误的. 最终, this is a nonbinary design choice that has a spectrum of options between extremes, 一端为远程学生提供“飞在墙上”的体验,另一端为现场参与者提供类似呼叫中心的服务. For an example of the latter extreme, 每个学生或会议参与者都可能围坐在桌子旁,自己的设备将Zoom呼叫设置为静音, with a videoconferencing speakerphone system handling the audio for everyone on-site. These setups enable everyone to focus attention on the current speaker, either in-person or remote, rarely relegating anyone to second-class status by the technology. What is best for most circumstances falls in between the two extremes. Rather than framing the design thinking around which audience 你选择优先考虑,而是考虑如何有效地包容每一个或两个.

In making that design decision, 关键因素是你为什么要把混合型游戏放在首位,以及两种用户的期望是什么. 为学校, 驱动因素可能是由谨慎的地方卫生区临时实施的占用限制,也可能是由教师或教室空间短缺造成的结构性影响. Although the presidents of both the National Education Association and the American Federation of 老师们在夏季开始时改变了路线,开始说服他们的成员在秋季重返学校时感到安全, many teachers may insist on teaching remotely to students in the physical classroom. 由此产生的短缺可以通过结合强大的远程参与者包容性和现场教师助手来满足教师的要求来解决. 近十年来, 由于学生未能按时毕业,加州立法机构威胁要减少对州立大学的资助. 这次毕业延迟是由于学生由于入学限制而无法注册必修课的结果. 对学校增加容量的需求最终导致了加州承诺计划. It reached a major statutory reporting deadline on July 1, 2021, in which the flexibility of online courses will no doubt play a critical contributing role.

一个不幸的动机是,学生必须留在学校,直到12岁以下的孩子可以接种疫苗 home for a few weeks due to either illness or contact tracing. Reasonable expectations call for a short-term, improvised solution (or just having the homework brought home by a friend, 就像我年轻时那样, when videoconferencing was a science fiction trope rather than part of daily life). 除了, 有某些残疾的学生可能会发现远程学习更适合他们的学习需求. 在一些地区, 混合教学模式可能是适应这些学生个性化教育计划的最佳方式.

很明显, 总的来说,最大限度地提高入学率和混合教学设置是有正当理由的, both of which benefit students. The adoption of online and hybrid learning by traditional schools is not greed-driven, 而是满足传统方式无法满足的教育需求的最佳方式.

一旦你确定了你为什么要做混合,以及期望是短期解决方案还是短期解决方案 part of a long-term strategy, two design tasks remain. 一是制定一项政策,说明你打算如何结合课堂上两种观众的包容性程度, 研讨会, or faculty meeting with respect for the attendees' privacy. The other is to provision the gear for the meeting space to implement that policy. 就短期解决办法而言,这应该是最初大流行应对中剩余的设备. For long-term strategies, schools can afford to be much more creative.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


A commonly used streaming media technology at schools, 会议中心, and houses of worship is Dante (Digital Audio Network Through Ethernet). A Dante-enabled device can be plugged into a Dante network using a standard Category 5e or Category 6 network cable; the network connects devices using either 100Mbps or gigabit network switches, typically with Power over Ethernet (PoE) capabilities.

Gear for the HyFlex Teaching and Learning Space

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